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Interactive information! Smells like team spirit

Nutrition input for Austrian athletes at EYOF 2025 in Bakuriani. It was about the important details.
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The role of nutrition in biathlon

The first Journal of Biathlon Coaching was published, including the topic of nutrition! This is in line with developments in recent years.
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Nutrition in para-sports

Ohne Grenzen - ORF Sport + has dedicated itself to the topic of nutrition. Nutrition in para-sports is important, perhaps even more important in order to be healthy and efficient.
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Why carbs are king

Carbohydrates are the preferred fuel for muscles and brain. Inadequate intake during hard training has consequences that go far beyond athletic performance.
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YOG 2024 Kick Off

Before the take-off to South Korea, there was once again compact information for the Austrian team.
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Gangwon Youth Olympic Games 2024

The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) start in Gangwon in January 2024. My first experience with YOG was in Innsbruck in 2012. A lot has changed since then, for the better.
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How to shine in the World Cup at 50

How do athletes stay productive as they age and why nutrition plays a key role.
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Very hungry on rest days?

The truth about energy requirements during regeneration and how nutrition influences hunger.
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Precovery time!

Optimize nutrition, prevent injuries, and improve performance before training — why quality and individuality are crucial.
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Ernährungsbetreuung von Radfahrern während der Corona Zeit

Radsport-News interview mit Sportnutrix
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Sports Nutrition: More Than Powders, Gels, and Pills.

Keeping athletes healthy and performance-ready, preventing injuries, and realizing dreams.
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The Right Nutrition for Indoor Training

Adjust your breakfast to your training goals and optimize nutrient intake. Stay in top form!
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Smoothie - A Good Idea? It Depends!

Discover How You Can Control Your Caloric Intake and Influence Your Energy Balance Through Careful Recipe Selection.
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Why Athletes Shouldn't Skip Meals

Why Regular Eating is the Key to Performance Enhancement and Debunking the Breakfast Myth.
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Tips for the perfect shopping and enjoyable cooking!

Successful cooking starts with smart shopping. Plan, eat varied, and ensure nutrients. The shopping list is the first step.
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