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Attending the EPU Top Topic Day

One-person-company in front of the curtain. The Top-Topic-Day shows what makes us special.
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Extreme dieting is a big mistake!

Extreme diets are often unsuccessful. In this interview, we will look at the reasons why this is the case.
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Nutrition for the cold months

How to get healthy through the cold season
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REDs in the focus at the Olympic Center Salzburg

In many sports, there are now diagnosed cases of relative energy deficiency in sports. That is why prevention is also a top priority in nutritional advice at the Olympic Center Salzburg.
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When is nutrition counselling successful?

When is nutrition counselling successful? Can this be measured or how do you demonstrate it's successful?
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Stress-free through the holidays

Many go to the holidays with anxiety and nervousness. What should I eat? How do I escape the sumptuous meals? What should I avoid? Here are a few tips for that!
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Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports

REDs in sport: Understanding, preventing and supporting. A healthy body for better performance and quality of life.
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Time-Restricted Eating - A Good Idea?

Explore the Connection Between Sport and Intermittent Fasting and Its Potential Effects on Metabolism, Health, and Athlete Performance.
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With the Seasons... Rhubarb

The low-calorie vegetable is a versatile ingredient in many recipes, such as in these buttermilk pancakes.
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No cookie for you. Is that really normal?

Why do athletes feel guilty when eating sweets? Learn why it's unnecessary and how you can develop a more relaxed relationship with food
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Performance Nutrition for the Intensive Care Unit

When Sports Nutrition Goes Beyond the Sport.
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Reality Check: Health Advertisements in Corona Times

Discover how food advertising influences our diet and why it's important to think smart about dietary supplements.
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Why One Should Reconsider the Use of Supplements

Not all supplements are safe or necessary. A balanced diet is the key to health.
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Meal Timing

How often should one really eat? Exploring the frequency of meals and how it impacts health and weight.
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Tips for the perfect shopping and enjoyable cooking!

Successful cooking starts with smart shopping. Plan, eat varied, and ensure nutrients. The shopping list is the first step.
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